Taiwanese director Wu Mi-Sen's labyrinthine, amnestic romantic drama Amour-Legende centers around Oshima (Yosuke Kubozuka of Isao Yukisada's Go), a married man caught in an illicit affair with a young woman named May. They flee Oshima's family in Taipei City and make a beeline for a South American locale called Snow Mountain - traipsing across outrageously rugged, alien terrain that is inhospitable to even the most hardened traveler. Alas, a surreal series of escapades (such as being inconveniently locked out of a rental car and surviving a prairie full of killer squirrels) drive Oshima around the bend. He loses consciousness, and comes to on a sand dune with yet another young lady, this one a multilingual lass christened Coco - with May nowhere in sight. Coco agrees to help a distraught Oshima find May, and the two hearken back to Snow Mountain...
The movie is a Japanese, Taiwanese co-production [avistaz.com]