The movie revolves around Eun Sook, a lovely but promiscuous professor in a University, who has all the male professors wrapped around her finger. When a popular comic book artist Suk Gyu joins the environmental awareness group that she belongs to, he attracts the jealously of Mr Yoo, a group member who fears that he would steal Eun Sook from him, even though Eun Sook does not return his intense love. What is not known to the rest is that Eun Sook and Suk Gyu attended the same junior high school where they share a secretive tragic history. Back then, Eun Sook was the girlfriend of Suk Gyu's older brother and the three rebellious teenagers indulged in sex promiscuously. Eun Sook worries that her past may be revealed. When Mr. Yoo starts snooping around Eun Sook and Suk Gyu's pasts, will their secret be kept and will they be together again?