The series chronicles the comedic lives and loves of the main characters, Andy and Arthur. Andy is a hardworking young woman who supports her mother and sister after the death of their father. To sustain their daily needs, she earns a living as a tricycle driver. Arthur, on the other hand, is a happy-go-lucky and wealthy bachelor whose family owns the biggest coffee factory in the country. His grandmother constantly pressures him to settle down but Arthur is not yet ready to tie the knot.
To avoid the dates arranged by his domineering granny, Arthur hires Andy to pretend to be his gay lover. He doesn't know that Andy is just pretending to be a guy to keep her job in Arthur's coffee shop. Desperate to pay off her family’s debt, Andy is left with no choice but to agree with Arthur's plan and to continue with her charade.
Complications arise when Andy starts to fall in love with Arthur. He is likewise unable to control his feelings for Andy and he starts questioning his sexuality.