Dame Touchan, Hero ni naru! (Useless Father Becomes a Hero, Nakayoshi Kobatogumi) is Japan drama premiere on Dec 29, 2016 on TV Tokyo. Cast members: Sawamura Ikki...
Sugiyama Toshifumi in a small advertising agency on the verge of bankruptcy. Just then, the president of his company Ishii comes to him with an assignment to improve the image of a gang named Kojima-gumi. To make things worse, Kojima-gumi sends one of its members Kawada Kaoru to be stationed at the company and keep an eye on them. At the same time, Sugiyama is having problems with his ex-wife Ishihara Sachiko and daughter Sanae. In order to regain his pride as a father and keep his company from going under, Sugiyama rises to the challenge. ~ Based on novel “Nakayoshi Kobatogumi” from the “Unibasaru Koukokusha Series” by Ogiwara Hiroshi.