Dark System - Koi no Ouza Ketteisen is Japan drama premiere on Jan 20, 2014 on TBS. Cast members: Tamashiro Tina, Itao Itsuji, Inoo Kei, Yuge Tomohisa, Yaotome Hikaru...
In this sci-fi suspense action film, a guy whose love interest is taken by a friend struggles desperately to alter reality, and creates the diabolical machine “dark system.” Combines two indie works by director Yuki Shuji. Unattractive and run-of-the-mill Kagami (Yaotome Hikaru) flies into a fury when his friend Saionji starts seeing his love interest Yuri . He vows to break them up, and first he plants the bugging device “Saionji Crasher” in Saonji’s room.