Fuben na Benriya 2016 First Snow (Inconvenient Benriya, Fuben na Benriya SP, The Inconvenient Convenience House, The Inconvenient Convenience Store) is Japan drama premiere on Dec 30, 2016 on TV Tokyo. Cast members: Endo Kenichi, Okada Masaki, Suzuki Kosuke...
Takeyama Jun is a scriptwriter with a wild imagination and poor common sense and lives at a nameless town in Hokkaido, Matsui Hideo owns a handyman business and Umemoto Soichi is a former prison officer and has been divorced thrice to date. The story starts from Takeyama returning to Hokkaido after a breakup which affects him so much that he can't work where he is asked by the city government to write the script for a short film to boost the town's profile. Coincidentally, the film titled "Yuki Onna" (Snow Woman) stars Kozue who looks identical to Takeyama's ex-girlfriend.