Genkai in a Black Company 2009 (Japan), also known as Black Gaisha ni Tsutometerundaga, Mou Ore wa Genkai Kamoshirenai , is Japan drama premiere on Nov 21, 2009
On a hot steamy day in Yurakupo, a man falls down onto the asphalt. Salarymen and OL's walk by him, before he gets himself up. The 26-year-old man's name is Oneta Masao. When Masao arrives home he turns on the computer and logs on the internet. He inputs his nickname MAO and writes that his job is a programmer and warns others of the dangers of working at his company. A reply is left for Masao asking why his company is dangerous. He then starts to write his story and what pushed him to the limit. Masao was bullied in high school so he dropped out of school and did not leave his room for 8 years. His mother died and Masao decided to get a programmer's certificate. The economy was bad and it wasn't easy to find a job, but Masao found a job at a small IT company six months ago - 'Kuroishi Systems Corporation'. The company was a black company (Japanese slang for companies that overwork their employees). From his first day at the company Masao was placed in an unimaginable work environment and overworked. His boss Abe Michihiro acted as if he had no responsibilities, co-worker Ide Tetsuya always seemed to be up to suspicious things, another co-worker Takumi Seiichi Fujita seemed like a nice guy but acted as if he was hiding a secret, while the company president Kuroi Sakushi seemed to have his own secrets. The workers often shouted at each other & sometimes fought with each other. The workload was so heavy that they sometimes didn't have time to sleep or rest. Masao eventually gets promoted to project leader and the company hires two new employees. The two new employees are beautiful Nakanishi Ayako & the ambitious Kimura Shota. With the addition of these two new employees, the moral of the office improves temporarily. But then Masao gets the worst news. He starts to tear up and shouts at the workers in the office. Mao then runs out of the office. Is it possible for the workers to meet the project deadline?