Gou Gou, the Cat (Goo Goo, the Cat, Gou Gou Datte Neko de Aru, Gugu Datte Neko de Aru) is Japan drama premiere on Oct 18, 2014 on WOWOW. Cast members: Miyazawa Rie...
Kojima Asako is a writer of popular manga for teenage girls. While she is facing a looming deadline, Saba, the beloved cat she has lived with for years suddenly dies. Asako is no longer able to draw manga after that and also loses her appetite. At the suggestion of her worried editor Omori, she moves to a new house but her life does not return to what it used to be. One day, when Asako is walking in a park, she comes across a homeless person with a sick kitten. She starts wanting to cure the kitten of its illness and brings it to the hospital without permission.