The story revolves around the life of Ana, who was separated from her parents, Evelyn, and Larry because of Odessa. Odessa has kept Ana in a warehouse with a dog all her life, causing her to become feral. Suddenly a fire started which made Ana escape. Ana met Calvin, a camper who helped Ana to live. Calvin named her Angela since he doesn't know her identity. Calvin brought Angela to Manila and there, Angela became aware of her surroundings. Calvin brought Angela to Dr. Evelyn and took care of her. Evelyn volunteered to be the doctor of Angela and in which she doesn't know Angela's identity. Angela will learn new things of being a human. Claire, the adoptive daughter of Evelyn, is jealous of Angela spite that the time of Evelyn goes to Angela instead of her. Claire also has a crush on Calvin making her more jealous of Angela because of their closeness. Soon, Claire will make a way to outcast Angela to their house. When Angela is lost, Dr. Francis, a doctor who wants to hold the feral child case, will steal Angela from Evelyn which they refused at first but later will give up.
Angela had therapy with Dr. Francis and learned many things of being social to others. Later, Angela was healed and she was able to talk to others again. She met Calvin once again and became much closer. Angela worked at Larry's farm with Calvin. She met her new, friend Patricia and her new enemy Myla. Calvin and Angela developed a relationship together but will later be broken because of Claire being pregnant and proves that Calvin is the father even though he was not. The baby dies later. Calvin broke up with Angela and causes her to become sad. Later, Angela got a new therapist in America named Dr. John which changed her life.
10 months later, Angela went back to the Philippines. She went back transformed and changed. Angela now is intelligent and acts like a human. Angela learned to fight Claire and seeks revenge to anyone who hurt her before. She also stayed away from Calvin now because of what Calvin did. Will they be able to find love in each other again?