Hashi Monogatari: Fuku Kaze wa Aki (Hashi Monogatari, Fuku Kaze wa Aki, Fujisawa Shuuhei Shin Dorama Shiriizu Dainidan, 藤沢周平新ドラマシリーズ第二弾『橋ものがたり』) is Japan drama premiere on Oct 21, 2017. Cast members: Hashizume Isao, Usuda Asami...
Yahei is an elderly gambler who betrayed his chief and left Edo for a short while to let things to cool down. However, he is at an advanced age and feels homesick for the place he is used to living in. Fully prepared to die, he resolutely crosses the bridge to Edo again. On the day of Yahei’s return to Edo, he meets a woman called Osayo who is absently gazing at the setting sun, in front of a brothel. Osayo is a woman who has sold her body as collateral for her husband who set up a sundries shop. Something about her reminds Yahei of his late wife. He becomes attracted to her for some reason. On another day, Yahei visits the tenement house where her husband and children live. However, he sees her husband spend all his time gambling without working.