Heisei Saru Kani Kassenzu (Heisei Monkey Crab Battle Picture) is Japan drama premiere on Nov 15, 2014 on WOWOW. Cast members: Kora Kengo, Suzuki Kyoka...
A hit-and-run case occurs at Kabukicho in Tokyo. Hamamoto Junpei, a bartender who witnessed the incident, realises that the man who was arrested is a different person from the man who was at the scene. It seems that the real culprit is international cello player Minato Keiji and his older brother is taking the rap. Aiming to get rich quick, Junpei and Tomoki, the host he treats as a younger brother, decide to blackmail Minato. But Minato’s manager Yuko stands in their way. Overwhelmed by her presence, Junpei readily admits defeat. On the other hand, Yuko takes interest in Junpei’s character. Junpei is someone impossible to hate and loved by everyone. Soon, a huge evil which is Yuko’s longtime enemy shows up. Because of this unintended meeting of two people who live in different worlds, those around them get involved: Minato; Mizuki, the hostess who has come to Tokyo in pursuit of Tomoki; Miki, the proprietress of the Korean club where Junpei works; Kosaka, Miki’s boyfriend and former gangster; and Tomoka, Minato’s niece who is a university arts student. An uproar that will shake up Japan begins.