Higanbana - Keishicho Sosa Nana ka (Higanbana - Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department 7 Investigation Division, Whispers from a Crime Scene ,) is Japan drama premiere on Jan 13, 2016 on NTV. Cast members: Mao Daichi, YOU, Takanashi Rin, Dan Rei, Kang Ji Young, Horikita Maki...
Nagisa Kinomiya (Maki Horikita) is a detective for the 7 Investigation Division. The team consists of female detectives and they seek out female criminals and to help female victims. Nagisa Kinomiya has a special ability to hear the mind's of others. To shutout other people's emotions, she wears a headset, but, when working on a case, she uses her special ability. At crime scenes, Nagisa Kinomiya can hear the left behind voices of criminals and victims.