High School Drive 2012 (Japan), also known as Megasametara Koukousei Datta, When I Woke Up, I Was a High School Student , is Japan drama premiere on Oct 20, 2012 on BeeTV
The sound of the basketball echoing in the gym, talking with friends about nothing, and harboring secrets from those same friends, that special time everyone has experienced in high school. Kana, a girl who loves chatting with classmates above all else, and Souta, the heartthrob star of the basketball team who all the underclassmen admire. In front of this backdrop, this drama depicts love, friendship, slight misunderstandings, and emotions that cross paths, all in a first person style from the perspective of these two youths. What sets this drama apart is the presence of a 38 year old man’s voice inside of Kana, and the voice of a 38 year old woman inside of Sota, somehow stuck inside their heads, and the viewer can only sit back and enjoy their private sharp quips and comebacks.