Kamen Rider Amazons (Kamen Rider Amazonz) is Japan drama premiere on Apr 1, 2016 on Amazon Prime. Cast members: Fujita Tom, Taniguchi Kenji, Asahina Hiroshi...
In this Amazons Prime exclusive remake of the cult favorite showa era series "Kamen Rider Amazon" a young man named Haruka has spent the past few years of his life being told he can not go outside due to a rare medical condition, but he will soon discover that and many other parts of his life were a lie when he meets Jin Takayama, a man who is part of a new man made species called Amazons and is also out to kill all other Amazons. Why is Jin doing this? What is Haruka's true past and what will be the future he chooses? In a city where beasts laugh, it's anyone guess.