Kamen Rider Gaim (Kamen Raidā Gaimu, Masked Rider Gaim, Armored Rider Gaim ,) is Japan drama premiere on Oct 6, 2013 on TV Asahi. Cast members: Sano Gaku, Kobayashi Yutaka, Kubota Yuki, Takasugi Mahiro, Shida Yuumi...
In this installment of Toei's long running Kamen Rider franchise Kouta Kazuraba, a young man coming into adulthood in the secluded Zawame City, reunites with some friends from the street dance team he was a part of in his youth only to find that the captain of the team has disappeared in some sort of other world and left behind a strange belt buckle and padlock. Moments later, Kouta and his friend Mai are attacked by a monster called an Inves, Kouta uses the belt buckle and padlock to transform into Kamen Rider Gaim and defeats the monster. However, this is just the beginning of things for Kouta and Mai as they continue to search for their old team captain, run into more Kamen Riders both friendly and adversarial, and uncover a plot that could change the fate of all humanity.