Keiji no Manazashi (Detective's Eyes) is Japan drama premiere on Oct 7, 2013 on TBS. Cast members: Kitamura Yukiya, Kaname Jun, Matsushige Yutaka, Shiina Kippei, Ono Yuriko...
Nobuto Natsume worked at a youth detention center, but began working as a detective after the age of forty. He begins his new career as a detective in the violent crimes section at Higashi-Ikebukuro Police Station. He listens carefully to those involved in cases and investigates thoroughly to uncover the truth. Veteran Detective Seiichi Fukumori works as Nobuto Natsume's partner. The crimes they investigate usually relate to families. ~~ Based on the novel "Keiji no Manazashi" by Gaku Yakumaru.