In this comedy, Cherrie Ying stars as a seemingly normal house wife named Fan, who is actually a Mahjong master. Due to her good "Mahjong virtue", Fan is widely welcome in the neighborhood. Fan's husband Chi-Hung (Terence Yin) is a scum, working for Mr. Ghost (Philip Keung), who is a famous gangster and gambler. Chi-Hung has developed an affair with Mr. Ghost's daughter Bo Bo (Zuki Lee) and Mr. Ghost forces him to get a divorce with Fan. Bo Bo suggests having a Mahjong one-on-one with Fan and the loser must leave Chi-Wai. Facing Bo Bo, Fan, though a super Mahjong player, cannot win any round by self-drawn (her trademark winning method). This leads to a painful loss. Afterwards, Fan decides to bob up like a cork and win his husband back.