Kuroi Gashu: Kusa (Black Art Book - Grass -) is Japan drama premiere on Mar 25, 2015 on TV Tokyo. Cast members: Murakami Hiroaki, Gouriki Ayame, Jinnai Takanori...
Ichiro Numata (Hiroaki Murakami) is the chief editor of a publishing company. He suddenly falls unconscious and is hospitalized, but various cases takes place at the hospital.
Hospital Director Kenichiro Asashima and Chief Nurse Junko Amemiya goes missing. There are rumors that they were in a close relationship. Head of Drug Management, Yasuharu Horimura is found dead. Rumors were that he stalked Junko Amemiya. The investigation into his dead is carried out as a suicide case, but Detective Eiji Kirishima (Takanori Jinnai) suspects foul play.
Ichiro Numata follows with his sharp eyes what transpires at the hospital and he also holds a secret.