Kuroneko, Tokidoki Hanaya (Black Cat, Sometimes Flower Shop) is Japan drama premiere on Oct 1, 2013 on NHK. Cast members: Hayashi Kento, Tanihara Shosuke, Taira Airi...
Hinata Kiyoka is heartbroken over the death of her husband, Koki, who died in a freak accident one year after their marriage. Some circumstance results in her being put in charge of ‘Neko no Hige’, a small flower shop and cafe, on a temporary basis. True to its name, the cafe has a black cat called Kumi-chan. Nearly all the customers who come to the cafe are there with the intent of seeking Kumi-chan’s counsel. Because her predictions have a hit rate of close to 100%, there is no end to the customers with problems. One day, Kumi-chan gets possessed by Koki’s spirit, and a love triangle develops between Kiyoka, the black cat and Takumi, a part-time employee who has feelings for her.