Lady Ninja 1998 (Japan), also known as Kunoichi Ninpouchou: Yagyuu Gaiden~Edo Hana Jigoku Hen, The Kunoichi Series: Yagyuu Saga~Edo Flower Hell, Kunoichi is Japan drama premiere on Jul 7, 1998
In feudal Japan, the evil lord Katou Akinari ruled the Aizu prefecture. He had private troops known as “The 7 Spears” who were trained assassins skilled in Ninjutsu and sorcery. They gathered beautiful girls in Aizu for Akinari’s personal pleasure. When the 7 spears killed the Hori clan, 7 daughters were left in Edo. They swore revenge using the power of “Kunoichi” inside each one of them. With the help of the sword-master Yagyuu Juubee, they travel to Aizu to confront their enemies.