Magical Boy Cherry's (Maho Danshi Cherry's, Maho Danshi Cheri-zu) is Japan drama premiere on Jun 21, 2014 on TV Tokyo. Cast members: Totsuka Shota, Tsukada Ryoichi, Sengen Yoshiko, Hashimoto Ryosuke, Kawai Fumito, Goseki Koichi...
17-year-old Doguami Tetsu has recently discovered that he can read minds via touch. This draws the attention of four men, all of whom have magical superpowers of their own. Tetsu is a cherry boy and such is someone who is able to use magic because he is a virgin. Together the five then form a Super Sentai team as a means to protect the city’s peace, all the while struggling with the dilemma to remain or not to remain a virgin. Each power is in relation to one of the 5 senses – Touch, Sound, Taste, Smell, and Sight.