Mahou x Senshi Magi Majo Pures! (Magic x Warriors Magic Witch Pures) is Japan drama premiere on Apr 1, 2018 on TV Tokyo. Cast members: Miyoshi Yuki, Sumitani Momoka, Tsuruya Misaki, Masuda Kurea, Ogawa Youka...
On the day of her middle school entrance ceremony, Momoka meets a flying cat fairy who guides her to a jewel shop owned by a mysterious woman named Tiara. Tiara gives Momoka a magical item called a Majoka Porte which allows her to transform into a Magi Majo Pure.
Together with the other Magi Majo Pures, she uses magic to fight against the JamaJama-dan, an evil group who are trying to take over the world by robbing people of their hopes and dreams. (Source: Wikipedia)