Mama to Papa ga Ikiru Riyuu (The Reason Mum and Dad Live) is Japan drama premiere on Nov 20, 2014 on TBS. Cast members: Aoki Munetaka, Fukiishi Kazue...
Two years after the birth of her second child, 34-year-old Yoshioka Toko is diagnosed with breast cancer. Furthermore, surgery is not possible because she is terminally ill, but the doctor is not certain of her life expectancy. Toko vows that she will not let illness get the better of her for the sake of her son and daughter and lives a positive life, but at times, she is tormented by a wave of fear and anxiety. A few days later, her husband Kenichi is also notified that he has end-stage lung cancer. Despite the short time they have left to live, the Yoshiokas still have dreams. They do not forget humour and how to be a loving family.