Miracle: Devil Claus' Love and Magic 2014 (Japan), also known as Miracle Debikuro kun no Koi to Mahou, Miracle Debikuro's Love and Magic is Japan drama premiere on Nov 22, 2014
Hikari works at a book store. He is a kind person, but his kindness often makes him look pathetic. Hikari hopes to become a manga writer. At night he sprays mysterious flyers "Debikuro Communication". One day, he meets someone via fate. Anna has been Hikari’s friend since they were children. So-Young, who is a world famous lighting designer, happens to know Hikari. Kitayama graduated from the same university as Hikari. Kitayama is also a popular manga writer. The love lives of these four people makes a miracle at Christmas night. ~~ Based on the novel "Debikuro kun no Koi to Mahou" by Ko Nakamura.