"North of the Earth" is directed and produced by Haas Zhaolu, screenwriter Zhao Qi, scene and theme director Su Lei. This is an entrepreneurial and inspirational TV drama starring Zhang Guoqiang , Yan Dan Chen , Meng Haoqiang , Yu Jian , He Yunxin, Wu Lisheng, Qin Xue , Etc.,
The play is about Inner Mongolia dairy industry in the nineties and a period of Government reform and the opening up to the world for investments. How the early plants and factories collapsed due to mismanagement and a group of young people taking over the companies starting from ground zero and building it into a world class company.
The story focused on character developments of the team and tough decisions they made in building the company. How the team fell apart as the company grows and split and later unite again and developing it into world class. Two lead characters are Wang Zhongtian played by Zhang Guoqiang, Sa Daya by Yan Dan Chen.