The 8th NHK Yorudora focuses on a woman who attends a training school to become an okami, a mistress, at a Japanese-style inn. The protagonist, Yoshino Natsuko, is unhappy when she's transferred to a different position within her company because she feels she's given everything to her job. Just then, she comes across an advertisement that says, "Want to become an okami?" The former OL begins training to become the mistress of an inn! Her strong point is her physical strength, her weak point - she's very nosy! Natsuko enters the training program and faces only 3 hours of sleep each night, selfish guests, learning the cuisine, how to properly lay out futon... Every day someone drops out of the school, so who will be the last one standing? Can Natsuko make it through the rigorous training and learn who she is in the process?
(Source: translated from excerpts of NHK synopsis by awrittensin)