Older Brother, Younger Sister (Ani Imouto, Siblings, Aniimouto) is Japan drama premiere on Jun 25, 2018 on TBS. Cast members: Sasano Takashi, Oizumi Yo, Namino Kuriko, Takimoto Miori, Miyazaki Aoi...
The story follows the Akaza family which consists of a father Shinobu, mother Kikuko and their children Momoko, Sachi and Shinosuke. The family is a happy one until one day Momoko suddenly reveals that she has had an abortion and runs away from home after she and Shinosuke have a huge fight. Six months later, she is back but nothing is the same as before. (Source: MyDramaList)
~~ Adapted from the novel "Ani Imouto" by Muro Saisei