Saijo no Puropozu (Best Propose, The Exquisite Proposal, Saijo no Propose) is Japan drama premiere on May 20, 2013 on BeeTV. Cast members: Saito Takumi, Mukai Osamu, Kaneko Nobuaki, Koide Keisuke...
Set within the flower shop named Marietta, known by that if people buy flowers there and propose then their proposal is usually accepted. Four men then attempt to propose. Snowdrop: a man, who isn't good at dating, meets his first love again. Due to the past, he has difficulties developing their relationship. iris: sweet, but sad love story of a scientist. Blue Rose: love story of a cameraman, who keeps visting a woman who is always asleep in the hospital. Wedding Well: songwriter Seiji attempts to make his second proposal in order to restore his relationship with his estranged wife.