Seeing with the Heart (Moumoku no Yoshinori-sensei, The Blind Teacher) is Japan drama premiere on Aug 27, 2016 on NTV. Cast members: Sawajiri Erika, Kato Shigeaki...
Young middle school teacher Yoshinori Arai is diagnosed with retinal detachment, losing the sight in his right eye first, then his left one as well, leaving him no choice but to take leave from the school. Arai's devoted wife, Mayumi, supported him through his moments of utter despair. She collected information about visually impaired people who were actively involved in various fields and found out about a blind teacher working at a regular school. Together they begin a battle in order to achieve his dream of returning to school once again, even with a guide dog at his side. ~~ Based on the novel by Yoshinori Arai.