The hero of this series is a young detective named Kotarō Ran, unknown to anyone (even his friends), is a master of disguise, utilizing seven different personalities. Most of his disguises are odd characters, like a magician and a cigar-smoking Indian, but Kotarō's 7th disguise is the 2-gun-toting caped, golden-masked superhero, Seven Color Mask! In the first story arc called Cobra Mask (コブラ仮面 Kobura Kamen) the ally of justice Seven Color Mask must confront the evil Cobra Mask who terrorizes Japan. In the second story arc King Rose (キング・ローズ Kingu Rozu) an armored car loeaded with 80 million yen is attacked by the Masked Phantom King Rose (仮面の怪人・キングローズ Kamen no Kaijin Kingu Rozu). The police and Seven Color Mask must hunt down King Rose. The third story arc is called Red Jaguar (レッド・ジャガー Reddo Jagā). The fourth story arc is called Three Ace (スリー・エース Suri Esu). This series was "remade" by creator Kawauchi in 1972 as Warrior of Love Rainbowman. (Source: Wikipedia)