Sukeban Deka The Movie II: Counter-Attack from the Kazama Sisters 1988 (Japan)
Sukeban Deka The Movie II: Counter-Attack from the Kazama Sisters 1988 (Japan), also known as Sukeban Deka the Movie 2: Counter-Attack from the Kazama Sisters, Delinquent Girl Detective, Yo Yo Girl Cop , is Japan drama premiere on Feb 11, 1988
Kuraudo Sekin is a corrupt politician who fights juvenile crime in harsh manners. However, when Sekin's ways become too harsh, Yui Kazama quits the bureau and refuses to undertake undercover missions for them. It is soon discovered that Sekin’s actual goal is to overthrow the Japanese government, and the Kazama sisters have to stop him. ~~ Based on the manga series Sukeban Deka which was written and illustrated by Shinji Wada.