Set during the Edo Period, "Sword of Desperation" tells the unforgetteable story of swordsman Kanemi Sanzawmon (Etsushi Toyokawa). Three years ago, Kanemi Sanzawmon killed Renko (Megumi Seki), the mistress of the powerful daimyo Tabu Ukyou (Jun Murakami) & a woman causing corruption. Unexpectedly, Kanemi Sanzawon received a lenient punishement and was able to return to his clan in only one year. After the death of his wife Mutsue (Naho Toda), Kanemi Sanzawon lives with and takes care of Mutsue's niece Satoo (Chizuru Ikewaki). Kanemi is unaware of Satoo's secret affections for him, but she is able to change his outlook on life. Meanwhile, Kanemi Sanzawon's unique "bird-catching" sword fighting technique will be tested when he must battle Hayatonosho Obiya (Koji Kikkawa) ...