Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan 1981 (Japan), also known as Taiyō Sentai Sun Vulcan, Taiyou Sentai, Taiyō Sentai San Barukan, Taiyo Sentai San Barukan, Taiyou Sentai San Barukan, Taiyō Sentai Sanbarukan, Taiyo Sentai San Barukan, Taiyou Sentai San Barukan , is Japan drama premiere on Feb 7, 1981 on TV Asahi
The threat of the Machine Empire Black Magma causes the United Nations to establish the Taiyo Sentai at a summit. From the UN's Guardians of World Peace's (GWP) air force, navy, and rangers, Commander Arashiyama assembles three specialists to become Sun Vulcan. (Wikipedia)