Tantei Monogatari (Detective Story, Private Investigator Story) is Japan drama premiere on Apr 8, 2018 on TV Asahi. Cast members: Saito Takumi, Nikaido Fumi...
Shuichi Tsujiyama is a broke private investigator. While on a job assignment, he is about to catch a crucial moment by taking a picture, but Naomi Arai misunderstands the situation. Shuichi Tsujiyama and Naomi Arai struggle physically. Because of this, Shuichi Tsujiyama misses his crucial photo opportunity. Kimie Hasenuma is a housekeeper who has been employed by Naomi Arai for many years. Kimie Hasenuma asks Shuichi Tsujiyama to be Naomi Arai’s bodyguard. (Source: AsianWiki)