The Awaken Punch 1973 (Hong Kong), also known as Buddhist Shaolin Avengers , Sek Poh Tin Geng , Shi po tian jian , Village On Fire , Fury Of The Black Belt is Hong Kong drama premiere on May 23, 1973
a young man, Cheung Da Gong, travels from place to place earning a living as a fighter. He fights at times on a stage before spectators, as a hired body guard and altruistically to protect shopkeepers from thugs looking to collect protection money. One day Cheung receives a letter which prompts him to return home where his elderly father is sick and dying. At his father's death bed Cheung vows at his father's behest to stay and work his family's farm and to give up fighting. Local gangsters try to buy Cheung's land and when Cheung refuses attempt to intimidate him first through threats and then by burning down his house, killing Cheung's sister and mother in the process.