The Guardians (Protector, Lookout, Sentinel, Watchmen, The Guardian) is South Korea drama premiere on May 22, 2017 on MBC. Cast members: Kim Young Kwang, Kim Tae Hoon, Lee Shi Young, Kim Seul Gi, Key...
The plot centers on a group of people who find their ordinary lives thrown into chaos due to a family tragedy. They monitor criminals 24 hours a day and rescue potential victims before the crime is committed. They also embarrass corrupt state prosecutors and make sure that criminals are punished for their crimes. This TV show illustrates the current society where the simple rule of going to jail if you break the law no longer applies to those in power. Illustrating the tragic lives of the Watchmen group who channel their anger and grief into fighting for justice, “The Guardians” will have stylistic action scenes and a thrilling plot. (Source: MBC America)