The Pet Lover Murders 2020 (Japan), also known as Saitama aikenkarenzokusatsujinjiken, Pet Dog Serial Murder Case is Japan drama premiere on Oct 4, 2020
Based on a true story from the nineties, in Saitama prefecture, where a couple was charged with the murders of four people, all clients of their pet shop and breeding business, Suspicions fell upon Sekine Gen and Hiroko Kazama, as each person began to disappear, one after the other. The subsequent two-year police investigation was full of really odd twists and turns. Once charged for poisoning their clients, the couple was sentenced to death. Details of the gruesome dismemberment of the bodies and their illegal burial were made public, leaving the appalled Japanese nation shaken, as they tried to make sense of it all. In addition, you can check out the movie ‘Cold Fish’, which stays true to the actual events for two-thirds of the story. Not recommended for the squeamish among us. (Source: GNC for MLD)Edit Translation