The Works and Days 2020 (Japan), also known as The Works and Days (of Tayoko Shiojiri in the Shiotani Basin), The Work and Days (in the Shiotani Basin), 仕事と日 (塩尻たよこと塩谷の谷間で), 仕事と日 (塩谷の谷間で) is Japan drama premiere on Feb 27, 2020
A geographic description of the work and non-work of a farmer. A portrait, over five seasons, of a family, of a terrain, of a soundscape, and of duration itself. It is a film that takes the time to spend time and hear people out, with a performance by Shiojiri Tayoko that binds fiction and actual bereavement into a heartbreaking indeterminability. (Source: ~~ A co-production between the U.S.A., Sweden, Japan, and the U.K.Edit Translation