Toshi Densetsu no Onna 2 (I Love Tokyo Legend - Kawaii Detective 2) is Japan drama premiere on Oct 11, 2013 on TV Asahi. Cast members: Mizobata Junpei, Hirayama Hiroyuki, Takenaka Naoto, Nagasawa Masami...
"Toshi Densetsu no Onna" is a comedy mystery that features a beautiful female detective Otonashi Tsukiko, who has an obsession with urban legends. Using her beauty and maniac point of view, she solves various unsolved cases that are somehow related to the urban legends. The sequel will begin where Tsukiko, who went over to New York in the end of previous series, comes back to Japan, and she joins a newly created division in the Metropolitan Police Department called "Unscientific incident investigation unit ('UIU')". The first episode will feature the urban legend related to Mount Fuji.