This is the sixth installments of the series, which is the final story of the school romantic comedy "Not in Textbooks!" that depicts the cohabitation life of a cute and popular high school girl and a Japanese language teacher swayed by her. Aya became a third-year student at Otome High School, and now it's only one year before graduating. It's been another year since she lived with her homeroom teacher, Arihiko Tairaku, but at that time, a story about a marriage with May was brought up in Tairaku. On the other hand, Aya's father, who wanted to separate her daughter who is too close to Tairaku from him, tells Aya about studying abroad. Aya listens to her father and decides to study abroad. (Source: TMDb) ~~ Based on a popular comic by Okada Kazuto (岡田和人).Edit Translation