The story is set in a major city in China, with a poor and a rich family as the centerpiece. The story begins with a mother who does all she can to love her autistic son. She is currently the president of a large department store, with a lot of wealth and power. In the eyes of the ordinary folk, she has everything, and should have no worries. But the real her has innumerable woes and pain that she cannot express. She has a husband who is unfaithful to her, a son who is autistic, and a rebellious daughter. Her son falls in love with a nurse, who has a broken heart from a painful previous relationship and betrayal. To give her son the woman he loves, the mother does everything in her power to bring the nurse closer to the family. Because of this, her rich family becomes intertwined with the poor family, and from there a serious of complicated inter-personal relationships will develop.