Zannen na Otto (Disappointing Husband, Zannenna Otto ,) is Japan drama premiere on Jan 14, 2015 on Fuji TV. Cast members: Kurashina Kana, Tamaki Hiroshi...
With his looks, personality and capabilities, 35-years-old Haruno Yoichi is considered the “ideal husband”. However, he feels that his wife’s attitude has cooled ever since she gave birth to their child. He knows neither the cause nor the solution, and has been reduced to the “unfortunate husband” at home. 28-years-old Chisato was thought to be the “ideal wife with all the the traditional graces” who does her best to look to her husband with respect. But her husband’s words and deeds which she could excuse until after childbirth, now make her feel uneasy. Because of her continued hysterics, she has become the “monster wife” to her husband